


Bio Greenangle

Søren “Ellemann” Hansen
CEO and founder of multiple companies, including Globelware (RCM maintenance software), Thylinux (Linux software), Thy3D (open-source 3D printers), and Spotnspot (small wind farm development and project management). Søren has held numerous roles as a technical advisor in the wind turbine and marketing industries and has worked on reviving Betterplace in an open-source environment.

With 27 years of experience in management and education, Søren began as a mathematician and later became an automation engineer, securing his first role as CTO at age 26. In 1999, he transitioned to Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, where he taught engineering internationally and tested wave power for the Danish government. His focus since has been renewable energy development.

Over the past seven years, Søren has contributed to the national curriculum for the electricity industry at Herningsholm Erhvervsskole, covering solar cells, wind turbines, and batteries. He has also mentored sociology students at Århus University and collaborated with the Nordic Council on Arctic renewable energy projects involving Svalbard and Greenland. Through international teaching, he has built an extensive network of industry leaders.

Søren is a trained automation engineer, with expertise in HR management, sociology, and teaching, alongside officer-level management training from the army. A self-taught computer expert, he spends his free time developing software for electric vehicles (e.g., Renault and Tesla) or creating innovative solutions to support organic gardening with his family.

Greenangle is:

Greenangle is a privately owned, Danish-based consulting firm with a global reach. We focus on accelerating renewable energy production by facilitating project financing and fostering partnerships worldwide. Through our extensive international network, we connect investors with renewable energy initiatives, driving sustainable growth and supporting the global transition to clean energy.