

Bio Greenangle

Søren “Ellemann” Hansen

CEO and founder of several companies, Globelware, (RCM maintenance software), Thylinux (linux software) Thy3d (development of 3d printers open source and sales thereof) Spotnspot sales, project management and development of small wind farms. In addition, many positions as a technical advisor in the wind turbine and marketing industry. And revive Betterplace in a opensource environment.

Mr. Ellemann has worked professionally with management and education for 27 years. Originally trained mathematician later automatic engineer. Where at the age of 26 he got his first job as CTO.
In 1999, Søren switched to a job as a engineer/teacher at the Folkecenter for renewable energy. Where he taught engineering internationally and tested Wavepower for the Danish government. Since then, the focus has been on the development of renewable energy. For the past 7 years, Søren has, in addition to developing Renewable Energy companies, taught at Herningsholm erhvervsskole and business school, and mentored sociology for students at Århus University. At Herningsholm he has developed the content of the national curriculum within the electricity industry regarding. Solar cells, windturbines, batteries etc.

Which has also facilitated that Mr. Ellemann via the folkcenter, participate in a project to develop professional knowledge about renewable energy in the arctic area. A collaboration with the Nordic Council, Svalbard and Greenland. Through his teaching of engineering internationally, Mr. Ellemann has a broad network with many leaders in the industry.

Søren Ellemann Hansen is a technically trained Automation-engineer, Master of HR manager, Sociology, Teacher, As well as management trained at officerlevel in the army.
Autodidact computer expert.

If the Søren does not work, he still works! You will find him in the process of making software for Renualt, Tesla or other electric vehicles, in a attempt to make it better then intended. Or with his family, developing technical solutions to make it easier to grow organic in the garden.